Prestigious Award for Barcelona Convention Bureau

In this world where there is a plethora of industry awards, it was good to see a Convention Bureau being presented with the prestigious IAPCO National Supplier Award by Professional Congress Organisers.

Nominated by well-known industry veteran Paloma Bellés of AOPC, Spain, the Barcelona CVB was selected from a list of candidates in recognition of their proven track record of working closely with PCOs and by being internationally recognised as one of the best Convention Bureaux in the world.

“AOPC was proud to nominate the Barcelona Convention Bureau (BCB), to receive the distinction of the IAPCO Supplier Award recognizing the professionalism of the BCB, and the dynamism and dedication of the entire team, that has united various partners, suppliers and hosts to continuously support and bring business to its destination.   Since its earlier days, almost 30 years ago, we have all witnessed the growth and development of Barcelona over the years, becoming one of the top leading destinations in our industry, competing fairly with other European and overseas destinations”, said Paloma, at the award presentation during EIBTM.  “Whilst without singling out anyone, we would like to recognize the forward-looking strategically-thinking and, most particularly, all the personal investment of Mrs. Airy Garrigosa, its former leader, and ask her together with Christoph Tessmar, as present Director of the Barcelona Convention Bureau, to receive your well-deserved award on behalf of the BCB and its whole professional team and members.”

Christoph Tessmar, Director BCVB, with Airy Garrigosa, former Director and Paloma Bellés, nominator and presenter of the Award

ABOUT IAPCO: Meeting Quality

The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO) was founded in 1968, is registered in Switzerland and represents today more than 117 professional organisers, meeting planners and managers of international and national congresses, conventions and special events from 41countries. IAPCO members organise in excess of 6600 meetings annually, totaling some 2.285 million delegates and representing an economic impact in the region of 3.71 billion euros.

IAPCO is committed to raising standards of service among its members and other sectors of the meetings industry. Today IAPCO membership offers a unique quality assurance, since entry into membership of IAPCO is by meeting strict criteria and by continuous quality assessment.

The high quality standards are secured by means of continuing education and interaction with other professionals. The ‘Wolfsberg’ Annual Seminar, The Meetings MasterClass and the Annual Meeting & General Assembly of its members are the highlight events of IAPCO.