13th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Applications

Ημερομηνία 17/09/2023 - 20/09/2023, Ολοήμερο
Τοποθεσία Minoa Palace Resort
Διεύθυνση Platanias, Chania, Crete, Greece, Χανιά
Επιστημονική Εταιρεία / Φορέας Technical University of Crete & National Technical University of Athens
Επαγγελματίας Οργανωτής / PCO Diazoma Conferences & Events
Τηλέφωνο 2810321494
Website diazoma.net/

We are very pleased to announce the 13th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2023) which is going to take place between 17-20 September 2023 in Chania and it will be organized by the National Technical University of Athens and the Technical University of Crete. The venue will be the Conference Center of Minoa Palace Resort Hotel located in Platanias, a cosmopolitan resort about 13 km west from the city of Chania.

IMA is a biannual series of conferences that started in 1999 and covers all areas of Analytical Chemistry and applications in a wide range of scientific disciplines (environment, food, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, forensics, archaeometry). Up to date several leading analytical chemists from Europe, North and South America and other continents have presented their research work at the previous IMA meetings and made a fulfil communication on timely issues in all fields of Instrumental Methods of Analysis.

The five last IMA conferences wereorganizedasfollows: IMA-2021(Virtual)|IMA-2019 (Ioannina,Greece)|IMA-2017 (Heraklion, Greece)| IMA-2015 (Kalamata, Greece)| IMA-2013 (Thessaloniki, Greece).

For the 13th IMA conference, it is our expectation to bring together some of the most talented and innovative analytical chemists from all over the world with enthusiastic new scientists for an excellent scientific conference located in one of the most beautiful cities of Greece and most popular destinations in Europe. The scientific program will consist of keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations, ranging from word-renowned experts, academicians, industry executives and project leaders to the dynamic and ambitious post graduate students in order to exchange state-of-the-art research and development and identify research needs and opportunities in the emerging field of Analytical Chemistry. Hence, the conference will provide a unique opportunity for professionals from all over the world to meet, network and forge new scientific interactions.

Special sessions devoted to timely and interesting topics of Analytical Chemistry will be organized within the frame of the IMA-2023.

Furthermore, we welcome contributions from companies, including presentations of new instrumentation, new applications, and assessment of future commercial trends and opportunities. We, therefore, anticipate a very energetic and dynamic scientific gathering!

We look forward to welcome you to IMA-2023 in Chania and in return promise a rewarding and enjoyable conference!


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